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Category Archives: Blog

Who is Sovereign in Pakistan? Sovereignty and Representative Governance – Hasan Askari Rizvi

Who is Sovereign in Pakistan? Sovereignty and Representative Governance – Hasan Askari Rizvi Sovereignty is an imprecise concept because its operationalization in the form of institutions and processes is a complex affair. …

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S&P Cuts the Ratings of 9 Major Euro-Zone Countries

Written by: Talha Qureshi Just five months after Standard & Poors, the American based ratings agency,  downgraded the U.S, Europe has joined its ranks. A Friday 13th that shall truly be remembered …

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Banks shun Business with 30 million Americans

Written by: Talha Qureshi CNBC reported that banks are refusing to do business with approx. 30milion consumers in America. These consumers account for approximately ¼ of American households with combined annual earnings …

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Discussions, what can be done?

Aenean eget orci urna, id facilisis nisi. Donec viverra, enim at mollis tincidunt, tulift nunc dapibus trebumnti. Ligula facilisis purus, id lobortis enim libero. Donec viverra, enim at mollis tincidunt, tulft nunc.

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Key Priorities for Foreign Policy

Aenean eget orci urna, id facilisis nisi. Donec viverra, enim at mollis tincidunt, velit ligula facilisis puruseu nibh. Nullam pellentesque suscipit egestas. Lenesque et odio eu ipsum rutrum posuere.

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