FIRD Dialogue Forum Seminar
Forum for International Relations Development
Anchor, columnist and celebrated editor Najam Sethi spoke at FIRD Dialogue Forum at Forum for International Relations Development last week. The topic under discussion was “Democracy, National Security & Change – Emerging Perspectives in Media in Pakistan. The interaction was presided by Mr Toaha Qureshi MBE, Chairman Forum for International Relations Development and moderated by Arif Malik.
In his short introductory speech, Mr Qureshi emphasised on the importance of opinion makers in society and their role. He lauded the role of the media in the last ten years in promoting democratic values and exposing the corrupt elite. However, he warned for restraint, caution and neutrality at the same time. Mr. Sethi proceeded the talk by stating, there were good news and bad news from Pakistan with respect to media’s empowered role as a mover and shaker in the state and polity of Pakistan.
Mr Sethi said there are enormous problems considering the welfare of people but government seems to be incompetent and inefficient. There is energy crisis going on and in four years, authorities cannot carry out any ground-breaking activity which could at least give people a little hope of advancement towards the solutions. Addressing to the law and order situation in Pakistan, he mentioned about the insecurity a common Pakistani feels when he steps out of his house.
The good news is in the form of Supreme Court-Media alliance which has acted as a pressure group towards the improvement of the performance of government. He recognised that there were elements in media who malign the profession but over all a positive change was happening through the alliance. He did not rule out the negative critique of media personnel.
He also observed the 54% presence of young people of Pakistan as a good news. He observed that they might turn around the country’s economic wheel in coming 5-10 years. He considered relationship with India a healthy one and said that trade with India could solve many economic problems of the country. He assrted that media should support peacemakers instead of warmongers.
In reply to a question he said that India had agreed to trade with Pakistan on 6000 products and both countries exchanged the list of products but unfortunately few non-state elements had been a hurdle for better relationship of countries. He said, Pakistan has increased its trade with European Union and one main reason for it was India’s support to the move. He strongly emphasised on the education and specifically the education of women. He said, ‘polarisation in society is not because we don’t have education, it is because of the curriculum we teach at schools and colleges which promote substandard minds and hatred.’
Mr Sethi responding to another question commented that minorities of Pakistan should be protected. He said, ‘we are Pakistanis first and then any other thing.’ He supported his statement by saying that Pakistan is a Muslim majority country where religion should not be made an issue. He said, ‘history was distorted for people with vested interest to convert Pakistan into a national security state by creating an enemy on the Eastern borders’. He shared that he would be carrying out a series of TV shows on the “murder of history” to expose the truth to the younger generation.
The seminar was attended by large number of students, youth members, researchers and community members.