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Lady Caroline Richards Visist FIRD Secretariat

April 2, 2013

Founder of Afghan Appeal Fund (AAF) and wife to Chief of Defence Staff UK General Sir David Richards, Lady Caroline Richards and Michael Moriarty, trustee of AAF, spoke to some Afghan students that have been awarded scholarships by our associate organisations. The effect of the “war on terror” has been wide spread. 

These students shed light on the ground realities of the people of Afghanistan and the bordering Pakistan to Lady Richards and Michael Moriarty. They mentioned that their family members had been killed by extremists and some had been forced to flee their homes due to their stance against terrorism. Toaha Qureshi MBE stressed that as well as helping in rebuilding of Afghanistans infrastructure we must also help create “change makers” within their society to develop and change the mind sets of locals to create the advancements within the country.

Lady Richards was impressed at the work being carried out and at the students resilience despite all the hurdles they had faced. AAF expressed gratitude for the support received from FIRD.

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