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Toaha Qureshi MBE Bestows Award to Ansar Burney for Peace and Humanity at FIRD Seminar

By Umar Mahmood

Renowned peace and human rights activist Mr Ansar Burney, Chairman of Ansar Burney Trust International, delivered his keynote address titled “International Human Rights” at a seminar organised by Forum for International Relations Development (FIRD) and London College of Business Management & IT (LCBMIT). 

The seminar, chaired by FIRD Chairman Toaha Qureshi MBE, started with an introduction of the human rights efforts undertaken by FIRD and LCBMIT during the disastrous natural atrocities in Pakistan, Philippines and other countries. Funds raised recently for the Typhoon Haiyan disaster in the Philippines were presented to the Filipino community with the Deputy Mayor of Sutton, Cllr Stears and Sutton United FC Chairman Bruce Elliot after the Filipino student community requested help to support those affected. This was followed by a meeting with the Consul General of Philippines Embassy, London where scholarships to those afflicted by the disaster were presented with students and the Deputy Mayor of Sutton Cllr Stears to Consul General Senen Mangalile. Other work has included reforming prisoners arrested under the Terrorism Act or for terrorism related offences so that they can become positive and productive members of society.ts” at a seminar organised by Forum for International Relations Development (FIRD) and London College of Business Management & IT (LCBMIT).

Umar Mahmood, shed light on the scholarships programmes being offered by LCBMIT in partnership with FIRD to various quarters including the four provinces of Pakistan, the Christian community through Foreman Christian College and Kinnaird College etc. Rev Rana, Interfaith advisor to FIRD and SGCS, echoed the positive impact of such works as well. Mrs. Burney  commented that the work undertaken by the various projects is a result of huge amounts of passion.

Ansar Burney commenced his keynote address by thanking the organisers for the opportunity to speak. he spoke about the initial inspiration for his work and how he ended up taking the path he did. Recalling historical events of being wrongfully imprisoned as a young man, he met a number of people who had been imprisoned unjustly for crimes they had not committed. Due to this, he started to do research in prison for other people like him, eventually leading him to complete a Masters in Law. After pursuing his degree he fought to free unfairly imprisoned people including children, elderly, disabled etc. During his struggles, he has faced many problems including personal attacks, imprisonment and most recently the kidnapping of his uncle. Umar Mahmood prayed for the safe return of his uncle. When asked about once again joining the political scene in Pakistan, Mr Burney declined outright stating that he would not be able to play the dirty games of politics that has lead to events such as Thar, wishing that change could come through revolutions. He said that education was extremely important as those that have been adversely affected can only be rehabilitated through education which is something that FIRD is also implementing through various schemes. The seminar finished on Ansar Burney, calling the audience his friends, urging people to work on the basis of humanity rather than causing self-division through creed, religion, race, colour etc. He welcomed all to support him in working for humanity and once again thanked all for listening.

The seminar concluded by Toaha Qureshi MBE presenting Ansar Burney with the Award for Services to Peace and Humanity in recognition of his outstanding work over the last three decades. The seminar was attended by researchers, students, community leaders, media and the public.

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